Making a Donation
THANK YOU for your interest in making a financial donation to the Guild, which is a registered UK charity (No. 231758). The good stewardship of our assets - collections, land, property - for the benefit of present and future generations, requires considerable annual expenditure. Every donation towards our work therefore makes a difference, and your support today is appreciated enormously.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have indicated the amount you would like to donate, this page will offer you the option, if you are a UK taxpayer, of applying Gift Aid to your donation. This increases the value of what you give, at no further cost to you.
LEGACIES: If you would like to discuss other ways of giving, for example, remembering the Guild in your Will, then please contact us at
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Our work today is only possible thanks to the generosity and commitment of many people and partners, past and present; thank you for being one of them.

A view of the woodland at Ruskin Land in the Wyre Forest.

Detail from John Ruskin's Study of Moss, Fern and Wood-Sorrel, upon a Rocky River Bank (1875-9), part of the Guild's art collection, which is on view for free in changing displays in Sheffield.