Guild AGM
Each Autumn, the Guild holds its Annual General Meeting, to which all Companions are invited, usually at a site or building that has some connection to Ruskin or to the Guild's current or previous activity, and it is streamed live for international Companions via zoom. It is always a convivial gathering, during which the previous year's activity and accounts can be reviewed and discussed and new Companions are invited to sign the Roll.
2024 AGM

The Guild's AGM was held on Saturday 23rd November 2024 at Ruskin Mill College in Gloucestershire.
2022 AGM

Aonghus Gordon gives his keynote address at Glasshouse College
The Guild's AGM in 2022 was held at the Ruskin Mill Trust's Glasshouse College site in Stourbridge, to the west of Birmingham, on Saturday 19 November 2022. It was our first hybrid AGM, face to face but also on zoom. The AGM papers can all be found below.
Introductory letter from the Master, Rachel Dickinson HERE
Contribution/donation form HERE
Gift Aid form (for UK taxpayers only) HERE
2021 AGM
The Guild's 2021 AGM took place online at 2pm on Saturday 20th November 2021.
Introductory letter from the Master, Rachel Dickinson HERE
Attendance form for the meeting (PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN) HERE
Contribution/donation form HERE
Gift Aid form (for UK taxpayers only) HERE
2020 AGM
The 2020 Guild AGM took place online on Saturday 21st November
Please find the AGM Papers, Attendance form and annual contribution/donation forms below.
All Companions also received paper copes of the Master's letter and attendance/donation forms (but not the papers) in the post in early November.
Introductory letter from the Master, Rachel Dickinson, here.
Attendance form and agenda for the meeting, here.
Contribution/donation form, here.
Gift Aid form (for UK taxpayers only), here.
2019 AGM
The 2019 AGM took place at the Millennium Gallery, Sheffield, on Saturday 16 November 2019. The Ruskin Lecture, THE GUILD TO-DAY, was given by the outgoing Master, Clive Wilmer. Watch here. In the evening, Companions attended the annual Dinner.
The papers relating to the AGM can be downloaded here:
Agenda, schedule and booking form for AGM and dinner
Clive Wilmer's covering letter
Accounts and reports for the year 2018-19
Companion's contribution/donation form
The text of Clive Wilmer's lecture is published and available via our online bookshop here.

2018 AGM
The 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Guild of St George took place on 3 November at the Oxford Museum of Natural History, and was proceeded by the annual Ruskin Lecture, RUSKIN, THE PRE-RAPHAELITES AND THE OXFORD MUSEUM, given by Professor John Holmes.
Download the agenda and papers for the meeting, including the Guild accounts for the year, here.
You can view the 2018 Ruskin Lecture here.

Companions dinner, November 2018.

Photographs by John Iles
2017 AGM
The 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Guild of St George took place at the Millennium Gallery, Sheffield, on Saturday 4th November 2017. The Ruskin Lecture focused on the Ruskin Collection artists, Frank Randal and William Hackstoun, and was given by the Curator of the Collection, Louise Pullen. Watch here.
2016 AGM
The 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Guild of St George took place at the Birmingham and Midland Institute on 5th November. The Ruskin Lecture was given by Companion Dr Bernard Richards, Emeritus Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford, who spoke on 'The Sombre Robe': Ruskin and Birmingham. Watch here.
You can read the AGM papers here.
A number of presentations were given during the 2016 AGM, which you can watch below.